TagDIGIMEM: A Digitalization of Bergson’s Cone of Memory
By Michael Beach
DIGIMEM is an interactive website that represents Henri Bergson’s Cone of Memory in a digital format that bridges his ideas of time and memory with an idea of digital systems as a vital force that relates to humans in a symbiotic fashion …
How Do I Talk About Waste?
Inspired by Waste-Site Stories: The Recycling of Memory edited by Brian Neville, Johanne Villeneuve
When I see the greasy cardboard
The smell of pizza
Melting cheese
Bringing fond memories
I forget, I forget …
Dark Realm of the Hippo Camp
By Brandon Oppenheim
a sign on the wall reads
‘temporary home’
then continues to read
how long you can stay
a hippo named scout
says to his mate
‘now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one ‘
By Andrea Harris
“History, memory, and representation have always been fascinating to me. The subjects together can be taken as absolute, and are often taught as such in grade school and high school when fact memorization is prized over..