TagQueering Foucault: biopower in MSM tissue donation policy
By A.W.Sully
This essay was originally written for the CHID class Biofutures. It was readapted and published online in Graphite Publications in Montreal.
Michel Foucault, a French social theorist and historian of ideas, lectured on political power schemes. In feudal aristocracy and absolute monarchies, kings and dictators muzzle a limited power: “le droit de faire mourir ou de laisser vivre” (1) …
Images of Power: A Child’s Search for Freedom and Identity
Rose Kohinke
In The Panopticon, Jenni Fagan chronicles one child’s search for freedom and identity in the Scottish foster system. On the outside, Anais Hendricks presents a harsh…
Postludes to Conquest: Bison and Imperialism in Anglo-American Discourse After the Civil War
By Jack Chelgren
From its inception, US imperialism has been complexly bound up with animals, both domesticated and wild. Virginia DeJohn Anderson makes the compelling case in Creatures of Empire (2004) that the role of domestic animals..