critical theory
TagAnti-Jewish Jews? Cases in Intellectual History
By Jon Catlin
University of Chicago
Ideas, not interests (whether material or ideal) intuitively control the actions of men. But: the “worldviews” which are fashioned through ideas, these have often served as switchmen for the track on which the dynamics of interests have moved action…
Disciplinary Power: Big Pharma & The Consumer Market
By Silvi Goldstein
In the past sixty years, we have seen a shift in the visibility, usage and understanding of drugs in the western world. The role of the pharmaceutical companies plays a significant part in the shaping of our..
Culture Jamming through Critical Theory Valentines
By Shannon Foss
On February 12, 2014, the radical philosophy blog posted an article in their “Humor” section titled “25 Critical Theory Valentines to Rock Your World.” Calling Valentine’s Day an “orgy of consumption..