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Letter from Curators Fall 2015

friends and strangers,

how are your thoughts architectured? not structured, architectured. think of your dimly-lit rooms, brick-facing outlooks, the neo-Gothic archways and the neo-liberal interior. they’re always under some sort of (de)construction.

perhaps your next reconfiguration will replace fixedly traditional rooms with an animated design.

the act of thinking is an act of propagation; it’s an ecological event in itself. by reconfiguring and embracing its nature, we fertilize thought and cultivate imagination. this “ecological thinking” is full of shadows and twilights while completely open to the Everything.

this edition of intersections loosely groups creative works into three, ecologically-based themes. the number three roots in the meaning of multiplicity, creative power, growth. three is a moving forward of energy, an overcoming of duality to become expression, manifestation, & synthesis.

eco and tri are mostly symbiotic yet partially disharmonic. they draw from the same lexicon of growth and potentiality. both are subjected to our minds’ (de)constructive power. but tri traps thought, finites the infinite potentials, and categorizes the uncategorical. we believe the following symbiotic groupings, despite the limitation of threes, frame our publication insightfully.

  • voids – open or dark spaces to be filled, enticing a needed change, saturated with desire or emotion
  • seeds – which require unraveling the landscape, dissecting the soil and pondering whether it’s right, ripe, & ready for a seed of change (in short, being critical)
  • buds – *not short for your buddy* where a connection evolves unyieldingly, like plants proliferating. the bud’s organic assemblage has grown from voids & seeds, but has thus spawned new voids, new potentials.

as you navigate the works, allow the thematic words to take on a dynamic & organic meaning. these three biotic words just transformed into fifty-three, and fifty-three words correspond to fourteen works that synapse ideas with identities and theories onto bodies. our microcosmic magazine has taken on its own ecology.

each intersections edition will, of course, propagate anew, as will these silly letters. we are predictable in attempting unpredictability and in striving to be (r)evolutionary.

alec sullivan & the intersections curation team